Senior Executive Management

Our Senior Executive Management team is responsible for managing the day-to-day activities of Abu Dhabi Airports at the highest level. Each member of the team holds specific executive authorities granted by our Board of Directors.

Elena Sorlini Hanan Erik Meisner
Elena Sorlini
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
Hanan Ibrahim Al Abed
Chief Human Resources Officer 
Erik Meisner
Chief Programs Officer
Ahmed Al Shamsi Andrew Murphy Iftikhar Khan
Ahmed Juma Al Shamisi
General Manager Other Airports
Andrew Murphy
Chief Information Officer
Iftikhar Khan
General Counsel & Board Secretary
Frank McCrorie oliver_cfo Place Holder - 300x250 - White
Frank McCrorie
Chief Operations Officer
Oliver Seldon
Chief Financial Officer

Chief Commercial Officer

Award-winning Company

Since 2006 Abu Dhabi Airports has been receiving numerous prestigious awards from prominent international and local organizations in acknowledgement of its operational excellence, as well as marketing, training and corporate responsibility initiatives.

Get in touch

Get in touch with us at+971 (2) 505 5000